Interview at Creative Impact Co.

Interview at Creative Impact Co.

Paola Petri Ortiz is a certified nutritionist and personal trainer with a focus on eating disorder recovery and intuitive eating. She is passionate about food, but even more about helping people cultivate a healthy relationship with it and with their bodies.

She uses a holistic approach to heal body, mind and soul to achieve true freedom. Paola Petriortiz creates content for the masses, teaches group courses and offers 1-1 consultations.

My mission is to teach, inspire and empower people trapped in false beliefs and disordered habits to heal their relationship with their body and flourish into the best version of themselves, the healthiest physically and mentally.   

What inspired you to start your brand?

My own recovery from an eating disorder, anorexia nervosa. One of the things that helped me most was reading the experiences of people who had gone through it.

I wanted to provide inspiration and personal help to others who were suffering.

In addition, when I recovered, I found that many people did and believed things that were actually part of my eating disorder: the whole society was suffering from a disordered attitude towards food!


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